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Neue Antwort erstellen A Sudden Change in Performance from Piszczeck in FIFA 17
A Sudden Change in Performance from Piszczeck in FIFA 17
Beiträge: 18
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Piszczeck has been my right back for a while. He had a beautiful partnership with his friend and teammate IF sokratis.

However, when doing some fifa 17 coins upgrades suddenly Neuer came strolling out of the pack! This meant I needed to replace IF sokratis with Hummels to get neuer to full chem.

Since that switch, piszczeck looks lost and sad. He doesn't mark anymore, he leaves gaps and lets attackers slide pst him where he was normally rock solid.

He is still at full chem. It just looks like he is sad that his buddy has been transferred. Has anyone of you see a sudden change in performance from a player?

Schabawss said "Hummels has H/M workrate and is relatively slow. Sokratis is very quick and has M/M workrates. Both Hummels and Piszczek may be pushing up while you have the ball and aren't fast enough to get back, thus exposing your defence. When you had Sokratis he covered the gaps and gave Piszczek enough time to get back."

How about you? Do you have any other ideas? Let me know.
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A Sudden Change in Performance from Piszczeck in FIFA 17
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