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Neue Antwort erstellen Watch Bizarre FIFA 17 Corner Glitch
Watch Bizarre FIFA 17 Corner Glitch
Beiträge: 18
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FIFA 17 isn't even here yet and you can already hear thousands of people searching away online for unearthed wonderkids and freekick tutorials.

None of that stuff will matter to you anymore though - not if you're looking for the ULTIMATE advantage - after you take a look at the above video and you will love it and buy fifa coins for your players.

It shows a bizarre corner glitch that guarantees you always score. Well "99.9% of the time" (according to the guy who has uncovered this wizadry) - which are still pretty good odds, right?

Now, we don't suggest you use this trick all the time.

Seriously, you won't have any friends left if you pull it off too regularly.

But say you find yourself staring down the barrel of a FIFA apology in the last embers of a game and you just so happen to be standing over a corner, then it's probably acceptable.

The glitch, which was discovered by YouTube user Kosh , involves taking a very dull short corner, which apparently blows the keeper's mind...

All that is left from you is to stick a cross in, get on the end of it and watch your team score a header past the now ineffective keeper.

It's that simple.

Although whether the glitch, present in the demo, will still be there when the official game is released remains to be seen.
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Watch Bizarre FIFA 17 Corner Glitch
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